Empowered Queens Ella, Jada, Chloe, & Chelsea

Empowered Queens Ella, Jada, Chloe, & Chelsea

Empowered Queens Program

Empowered Queens is a leadership program young Queens grades 6th-12th.

Empowered Queens strives to instill confidence and wisdom into our young ladies while inspiring them to become the next generation of empowered women.

Over an 6 week span, the Empowered Queens program aims to build relationships between its participants as well as the mentors involved. The Empowered Queens curriculum discusses such topics: self-discovery, carrying themselves with confidence & dignity, resisting peer pressure, building & maintaining healthy relationships, powered up communication, becoming fearless, ready for success and taking control of their future.


If you are interested in more information regarding the Empowered Queens program, please fill out the form below and someone from Jessica Forrest Foundation will contact you.